That said, I am open to more people reading my words. Honestly, this makes me a bit nervous... I've mentioned I'm somewhat scared of the internet, so this is a big step. But I'm trusting that there are ears that need to hear, so I'm going to speak a little louder, if you will. I've set up a Facebook page for my blog. Here it is! This is so that people can more easily follow along without having to personally know me or one of my people. Plus, it can be shared more simply and openly. Again, tempted to start biting my nails and stress-eat all the graham crackers and gummy bears... But I'm putting on my big-girl pants and going for it. I've been so inspired and encouraged by a few others who were brave enough to speak to a wider audience, so I'm taking the plunge myself.
I'm going to start by way of one of my love languages: giving gifts! It's one of my most favorite things to do, so I've gathered together a few of my other most favorite things to share with one of you lucky people. I'm doing my first giveaway! I, personally, don't love when bloggers do giveaways by making readers 'like' and share a million things a million different places.. I get why they do it, but I'm just not techy enough to figure out how to do all of the things! So I'm going to make this really simple... 'Like' my Grace and Graham Crackers Facebook page. Right here! That's all you have to do, and I'll put your name in the hat. (Yeah, we are not sophisticated enough yet to use a fancy online drawing generator... The good old names-in-a-hat trick will have to do!) Plus by following the Facebook page, you'll be the first to find out when I post to the blog and I may just do more giveaways because I LOVE GIVING GIFTS!!! This will also be an easier way to share the blog with others, if you feel so inclined.
So, here's what one lucky follower will get:
- Weekly planner: I love these! It's a simple pad of paper making it easy to plan out my week. Meals, reminders, plans... It can all go right on there and they tear off making it easy to post the week on the fridge. And they are cute. Thank you, Target Dollar Spot!
- Grateful notecards: I also love these. They can be used as Thank You notes or as a sweet way to let someone know how grateful you are for them. Also, Target Dollar Spot.
- Gretta's Goats soap: My parents gave me a bunch of this goat milk soap for my birthday and I LOVE it. So I'm sharing a sample because the world needs to know about Gretta and her goats and their soap.
- Peppermint and Wild Orange Lip Balm: This is my fav lip balm. It smells amazing and works great! And it's made with essential oils, so WIN.
- The Lotion Company hand lotion: This is a local company here in Muncie that makes some amazing products. Very popular with the residents and sold at the hospital.
Thanks for all of the ways that you all have encouraged and pushed me to keep this up. You have all been so kind with your comments and messages and I'm so thankful for the connections that have been made just by you reading the things that I've written. I'm so excited about the possibility to reach more people with some encouraging words. So, 'Like' away, my friends! I'll pick a winner sometime early next week and mail this fun little care package out to one of you pronto! ;-)