Listening to bath time... Daddy washing away the day's dirt and sticky, settling meltdowns and worshipping all at once... Oh, and now there's some guitar. Daddy's playing guitar. During bath time. Does it get any better? Rock star dad.
Countless cherry toms on the two plants out back... Slowly but surely turning from green to red and yellow... Miraculously not yet picked by a curious toddler.
A sweet pup following close behind while thirsty plants are quenched with recycled pool water... Carrying around a treasure. A golf ball found in the bushes where she has also found an outdoor bed. ON the bush. Not beside it. She lays ON TOP OF the bush, people. Oh Scout. Whatever works for ya, dog.
Lyla in awe and wonder at the ant crawling around the pool and then up her arm and then into her hair. "Ant pretty". Yes, dear one... Even the tiniest of creatures is beautiful. Thanks for the reminder.
A collection of nature treasures... A leaf, a rock, a flower and some buds. Small, insignificant finds that my girl deemed valuable enough to collect and save.
Frankincense oil for a sun-kissed face and ever-feeling heart. A sweet scent to calm and refresh and remind.
The way she 'nods' along to songs... Making sure that mama is watching. Amazingly along with the beat. Any music will do... Jingles from toys. A ringtone. Daddy's phone music. Currently "Good good father" playing. The song ends and I hear a frantic "mom more feek (music)". Sure, girl. I can't get enough of that one either.
A cool, yet still sunny morning. A welcome break from multiple 90 degree days. Fresh air breathed in and no sweat in sight.
An unexpected FaceTime chat with Thailand. In the midst of chaos. Cereal dumped on the floor, dog-vacuum at work while toddler cries over her snack's misfortune. Even chaotic, five-minute, virtual visits help to encourage and build up an otherwise already (at 9 am) worn out toddler mom.
Play dates with new mama friends... Sharing stories and babies and hearts and coffee and hospital cafeteria scones and life. Toys strewn across every inch of carpet proving that two happy toddlers did some good learning and sharing this morning.
Leaving daddy with little miss to do bedtime.. Driving all alone. Enjoying a much-needed impromptu fro yo date with a new friend... Some alone time away to recharge and reflect... And to raid Hobby Lobby clearance.
Lyla asleep before 9:00... For the first time in I-don't-know-how-many days. Finally some good rest for a busy girl... And her tired mama.